Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 7, 2018

Selection of Bird’s Saliva Nests

Selection of Bird’s Saliva Nests
Selection of Bird’s Saliva Nests

• Shape and volume

Spoon-shaped Bird’s Saliva Nests are most welcome while triangular-shaped Bird’s Saliva Nests are caused by shaping due to nests being built too close to corners of walls but their nutritional values are the same. Naturally shaped and large Bird’s Saliva Nest pieces determine the classes of Bird’s Saliva Nests.

• Colour and cleanliness

Different types of minerals are contained in the food sought after by Bird’s Saliva Nest and the colour of the saliva secreted by them has different shades. The colour of Bird’s Saliva Nests becomes lighter when they are soaked in water; they expand and the strips of Bird’s Saliva Nests become transparent while the water in which they are soaked remains clear. Be extra careful if the Bird’s Saliva Nests are extremely white. This type of Bird’s Saliva Nest could have been bleached and this would drastically reduce their nutritional value or they may even harm the human body.

• Density and expansion coefficient

The finer and more concentrated the Bird’s Saliva Nest strands, without empty gaps in between and Bird’s Saliva Nest pieces which are larger and thicker would expand more when soaked. Different classes of Bird’s Saliva Nest possess different expansion coefficient, that is their weight would increase several times after soaking compared to their dry weights. “Expansion coefficient” is a technical word used in the industry to mean the affinity for water. The higher the expansion coefficient, the more the Bird’s Saliva Nest expands. Expansion coefficient should be calculated based on weight rather than volume.

• Price and dampness

Natural pure Bird’s Saliva Nests possess the taste of swiftlet saliva and a slight fishy smell, while there is a slight fragrance of proteins upon stewing. Always choose dry Bird’s Saliva Nests with a sticky feeling when held in your hand. Those which feel soft are definitely not dry. Besides containing lots of water, and apart from being disliked, they are not suitable for storage as they get moldy easily and their expansion coefficient is lower.

• Price and reliability

The selection and purchase of Bird’s Saliva Nests is best done at reliable outlets for assurance of quality.

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