Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 7, 2018

About Bird’s Saliva Nest - Nutritional Value

About Bird’s Saliva Nest - Nutritional Value
About Bird’s Saliva Nest - Nutritional Value

Bird’s Saliva Nest has been regarded as the most precious natural nourishment and health product and it has been considered as a precious item by aristocrats of the royal household in the Tang Dynasty in China . It was not until the Ming Dynasty that it became a treasure used as tributes by minor South East Asian countries, thus its name “Gong Yan (Tribute Bird’s Saliva Nest) or “Guan Yan (Official Bird’s Saliva Nest). Today, the production rate of Bird’s Saliva Nest has become more stable and it has become a common commodity with nutritional values recommended by both Chinese physicians and Western doctors.

Chinese medicine:

From the Chinese medicine point of view, Bird’s Saliva Nest principally fortifies the lungs, stomach and kidneys. In addition, its mild and sweet taste which is not heaty or cold, benefits the fortification of qi, nourishes the lungs, beautifies skin, tranquillizes and promotes sleep, nourishes the spleen, upgrades appetite, dissolves phlegm and stops coughs.
It has been recorded in the “Ben Cao Gang Mu” that Bird’s Saliva Nest is an excellent medicine for nourishing the lungs, dissolving phlegm, stopping cough, replenishing nourishment, clearing the body and regulating physical weakness”. “Its ability to penetrate the lungs promotes the movement of qi and penetration of the kidneys promotes movement of water, while tranquillizing the stomach making it the most ideal food. The consumption of Bird’s Saliva Nest stewed with rock sugar is effective in the regulation of physical weakness, cough and phlegm containing strands of blood. However, this is only suitable for those in the initial stage of such problems. If body heat is in excess and the flow of blood has reversed, this method may not be useful anymore.”

Western medicine:

From the nutritional point of view based on Western medicine, Bird’s Saliva Nest is rich in proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, phosphorous, iron, calcium and potassium which are able to strengthen resistance of the human body. Proteins effectively promote the growth, renewal and repair of cells while helping muscles to contract, aid in the transportation of nutrients and also oxidation. Proteins are made of more than 20 types of amino acids in which 18 of them are found in Bird’s Saliva Nest. Out of these, 7 are essential amino acids. As Bird’s Saliva Nest contain many different types of essential amino acids, and are rich in them, it has been nicknamed an excellent perfect protein.

Proteins found in Bird’s Saliva Nest consist of Glycoprotein and Epidermal Growth Factors.

Epidermal Growth Factors stimulates the growth of skin and they are able to stimulate cell fission, promote regenerative power of body tissues, accelerate body metabolism, promote healing of wounds and also strengthen oxygen affinity in cells and resist ageing. This will fortify the immunity of the body and increase resistance of the body towards damage caused by X-rays and other radiation, making it the best health and beauty product for modern living.

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